
Meet a member of the Natural Life Family!

When I was visiting family in St. Augustine 7 years ago, I found my life mantra “Think Happy Be Happy” on a phone case! I had that phone case for years until I finally got a new phone… it always made me so happy! I moved there 3 years later and discovered through my internship with Children Home Society that Natural Life was headquartered in Jacksonville! I couldn’t believe it! I then made it my goal to work for Natural Life after I graduated from UNF!
July 19, 2017
Seek opportunities to show you care. The smallest gesture of ten makes the biggest difference.

John Wooden's Words of Wisdom

We are SO inspired by John Wooden's 7-point creed and the wise words he lived by. He was a hall of fame coach at UCLA who died in June of 2010 at the age of 99.
Up until his death, John Wooden kept a folded-up index card in his wallet. On it was a handwritten 7-point creed that his father had given him as a graduation gift from elementary school. Many say the character and achievements of “Coach Wooden” can be traced back to that piece of paper. We love it and know you will to... even if you aren’t a basketball fan!
May 12, 2017
Natural Life is Bumpin'!

Natural Life is Bumpin'!

Woohooo! You know how they say things happen in 3's... well apparently it happens in 4's over here at Natural Life!
November 27, 2016
Hazel the Happy Camper

Hazel's Big Makeover!

A few weeks ago we introduced you to Hazel, the official Natural Life camper that will take us from music festival to pop-up shop to camp site! Maia, one of our amazingly talented graphic artists immediately got to work designing her big makeover! See the beautiful transformation below!!
October 03, 2016
We're flippin' out!

We're flippin' out!

... for pancakes! Today we're celebrating Bridget's birthday, our Product Development Specialist! Her teammate, Adrienne came up with the cutest idea ever... a pancake bar!! Who doesn't love pancakes?!
September 21, 2016
Celebrating Allison's birthday in wigs

Celebrating 50!

Our queen of little things is celebrating the big 5-0 today!! 
June 27, 2016
Decorated bus in India

Inspiration Is Everywhere

Beauty is all around us... you just have to open your eyes!
June 27, 2016
Chelsea holding a Natural LIfe Mug

Through Chelsea's Color-filled Vision!

We discovered Chelsea during one of our Brand Ambassador Happy Box contests back in October and we're so thankful we did! Her photos are super bright and happy... a perfect fit at Natural Life! She applied for a summer internship with us and next thing you know, she was on her way down from Nashville to Ponte Vedra, FL! Take a peek at her first week and follow her blog for weekly updates here!
June 04, 2016
Happy Anniversary... Come on Down!

Happy Anniversary... Come on Down!

There are two things we take very seriously here at Natural Life... celebrating (pretty much everything) and teamwork!!
March 27, 2016
Natural Life Music Festival

2016 Natural Life Music Festival

This past Sunday, our vision of the perfect day came to life... the Natural Life Music & Arts Festival! It was filled with all of our favorite things... world-class musicians, delicious farm-to-table food, nostalgic crafts and tons of fun! We love giving back to our awesome community with a free event that's perfect for all ages!
March 18, 2016
Billboard that says "Do more of what makes you happy."

Together, we're creating 104.4 million smiles!!

International Day of Happiness is March 20th! 
March 06, 2016
Natural Life's Throwin' it back for #TBT!

Natural Life's Throwin' it back for #TBT!

We're usually going so fast full steam ahead, we forget to stop and look back every now and again. 
February 27, 2016