- It goes by so quickly... I still remember all of my daughters first
- days of school like it was yesterday... and now they're all officially high school graduates! Where does the time go? As I reflect on the years of their education, the faces of so many teachers come to mind, and I wonder if they realize how much I appreciate them caring about my girls. A mother’s dream is for her children to reach their full potential, and teachers have so much influence on both the child and parent!
- Teachers who love teaching... teach children who love learning!
- Whether you're a teacher or a parent, we wish you the BEST school year yet! Enjoy every carpool, sports game, music concert, school dance and awards ceremony... it goes by so fast!
- - Patti Hughes, Natural Life Founder & CEO
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- It makes us SO happy that teachers love using Natural Life treasures to spread positivity in their classroom! We made tons of new treasures that help make classrooms a happy & inspiring place!

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